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Essential guide

How to start a Support Coordination business

Let Astalty guide you through the process, and download your guide now to begin your journey towards becoming a successful business owner.

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Table of contents

What's included?

How to register your business

In this section, we provide guidance on registering your business, taking into consideration your goals and objectives. We discuss various business structures, such as sole trader, partnership, and company, and highlight how each aligns with specific needs. We emphasise the importance of seeking professional advice from an accountant and/or solicitor before making a decision.

How to set up your email

In this section, we provide guidance on setting up your email address for your business. We offer tips on choosing a domain name and we even provide a link to a free email signature generator.

How to create a website

Creating a website can be challenging - especially if you have no experience. In this section, we provide some tips to getting started and what you should require in your website.

A guide to policies and procedures

In this section, we provide a guide to policies and procedures. We discuss the importance of having policies and procedures in place, and we provide a list of policies and procedures that you should consider.

Insurance tips

We provide some basic tips about insurances you might require and the different types of insurance that may be required for an NDIS business.

Best practices

Don't start your business wondering about the best way to do things - with years of experience in the NDIS, we have collate some helpful best practices to give you a head start.